
Campanile with a blue sky and flowers.

Explore Your Options

When a problem feels overwhelming, it can be hard to see possible solutions. We'll take an impartial look at your situation and help you to identify options. Think of us as a confidential help desk. We can provide information, options, and resources to help you address your issue. You decide what course of action is best for you.

Get Help with Difficult Conversations

If you need to have a difficult conversation with someone else and would like in-person support, we can help.

Communication Coaching for Conflict Management

Receive individual guidance and coaching to prepare for difficult conversations. Learn tools and create a strategy to open a dialogue to address a difficult situation. Receive feedback on your written communication to help you professionally convey your message.

Observe Conversations

We are available to observe a conversation to ensure it is conducted professionally and respectfully and debrief it afterward with a visitor. The Ombuds can observe a conversation about a formal process once and for the purpose of communication coaching only.

Facilitate Conversations 

We can facilitate a conversation to ensure that you have a constructive and respectful discussion where every participant has the opportunity to feel heard.

Mediate Conversations

A mediated conversation may be more formal than a facilitated conversation and can result in a written agreement. The Ombuds is impartial and serves to support a safe and constructive dialogue. 

Discover Training Opportunities

Training and workshops can be tailored to suit your needs. We are happy to meet with groups to introduce our office and provide an overview of our services. Contact us if you would like to learn more about training and leadership coaching services.

Find Policies and Additional Support

Find out if there is a policy available that can help you address your situation. We can help you find organizations and resources to provide you with the assistance you need.

What We Don't Do

Serve as an Office of Notice

Communication with our office is confidential and informal, and sharing information with us does not notify the university of your concern.

Formally Investigate Complaints or Issue Decisions 

We are a resource for informal dispute resolution. If you decide you want to use a formal dispute process like a grievance or an appeal, we'll refer you to other offices that handle those processes.

Advocate for Individuals or Groups

We are an impartial office. We can't serve as a personal advocate, although we do advocate for fairness and compassion.

Offer Legal Advice or Mental Health Counseling

If your situation involves legal rights and remedies, we can alert you about possible resources at Iowa State but can't provide legal advice. Likewise, visitors who may benefit from mental health counseling will be referred to other resources for assistance.

Testify in Formal Proceedings

We do not testify in any formal proceedings about specific matters or individuals.

Our Ethical Principles

The Iowa State University Ombuds Office operates according to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the International Ombuds Association (IOA). Services provided by the Ombuds Office are guided by the four ethical principles of the IOA.


We do not represent visitors, university administration, or leadership at any level.


We do not take sides or advocate on behalf of individuals or units. 


We provide services for informal dispute resolution and participation is voluntary.


Identities and communications are not disclosed unless there is an imminent risk of serious harm or unless required by law. 

Still Have Questions?

If you're still wondering how our services can help you or have questions about the services we offer, give us a call at 515-294-0165.